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investment management

Dedicated to the benchmarking and best practice sharing of business and organizational strategies in real estate investment management
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insurance strategies & staffing
Almost one-third of real estate investment managers are using or considering self-insurance/captive insurance products as they battle against unprecedented P&C insurance costs, the latest NAREIM™ (the National Association of Real Estate Investment Managers™) member survey has revealed.
NAREIM's member survey on insurance staffing & resources, conducted between May 8 and May 17, asked about the prevalence of alternatives - and how firms were currently structuring and using internal staff and external resources to meet their coverage needs.
31% of managers are participating or looking at self-insurance/captive programs, with another 10% participating or looking at split programs.
Almost two-thirds of firms have dedicated real estate insurance teams, with most teams having three FTEs.
Almost three-quarters of managers utilize third-party consultants in addition to brokers
In terms of the top 3 brokers used: Marsh, AON and Gallagher.

NAREIM™ (the National Association of Real Estate Investment Managers™) offers candid, peer-to-peer conversations and best practice sharing through in-person meetings and virtual roundtables across 9 functional groups:
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latest news
NAREIM appoints Reesa Fischer as CEO
March 5, 2025
NAREIM announces Reesa Fischer as the next CEO, starting March 31. Fischer previously served as Managing Director of Strategy and Client Solutions at Keller Augusta and as Executive Director of NAIOP Massachusetts. Fischer is uniquely positioned to help NAREIM members ask: "What's next?" for the real estate investment management industry.
Don't stop work on deal-level net returns. SEC focus on net returns, subs line "here to stay" under Trump administration
November 8, 2024
The SEC's Marketing Rule - and focus on deal-level net returns, subs lines and substantiation - is "here to stay", even though 100% of managers expect SEC activity to decline under a second Trump administration.
42% of managers expect to be in-office 4 days a week within next year
March 5, 2025
42% of managers will require employees to be in the office four days a week within the next year - up from 25% of firms today. The same trend is seen among managers requiring employees to be in the office five days a week. Today, just 17% of managers have in-office requirements for five days but within a year that will increase to 25%. NAREIM member survey on hybrid work practices.
$36bn of DC capital in private RE; net flows declined in 2023
Capital Raising
October 2, 2024
Capital flows into defined contribution real estate funds modestly, according to the 2024 DC Survey, with almost all inflows in 2023 targeting dedicated RE funds. As of the end of 2023, there was $36bn of DC assets invested in private real estate. Download the 2024 DC Survey results today.